Basic knowledge on heat transfer / Heat transfer / Report

Basic knowledge on heat transfer



Please tick the correct answers:


Heat transfer always occurs when there are temperature differences.
Which fundamental statements on heat transfer are correct?

The term "heat flux" means a movement. That's why it is only significant in a flowing transport mechanism such as convection.


The higher the temperature difference of an object to the environment, the greater the flowing heat flux.


Heat always flows from hot to cold.


Only one heat transport mechanism ever provides for the temperature equalisation.


Even in a refrigerator, heat always flows from hot to cold. This does not contradict the ability to cool a space.

The heat quantity is a property that a body has as soon as it has a temperature above absolute zero. How is this energy determined?

The heat quantity is dependent upon the mass. The substance is irrelevant.


The heat quantity of a substance is dependent upon the temperature.


The ambient temperature is decisive for the heat quantity in a body.

Conduction occurs when substances with a temperature difference come into contact with each other.
Which statements are true?

Temperature is the movement of the building blocks of matter.

In the case of heat conduction, this movement is transferred to the surrounding matter.


If no heat is added to or removed from a body, conduction ensures that the temperature is equalised and after some time is uniform in the body.

Convection is the transport of heat with a flowing particle.
Check the statements:

Free convection denotes convection as it occurs in the open. Forced convection on the other hand represents the principle of free convection but forced in technical installations.


Convection causes a temperature equalisation from the surface of a body into the environment. If no extra heat flows in, the temperatures equalize with each other. The heat exchange by convection becomes smaller and smaller.

Radiation is known in everyday life from the effect of the sun.
Which statements are true?

The universe consists of many celestial bodies (sun, planets, etc.) Heat can only be exchanged between these objects by radiation.


Radiation cannot be inhibited. However, the effects can be ignored if dissipated and absorbed radiation have the same quantities.