Basic knowledge on heat transfer / Heat conduction / Report

Basic knowledge on heat transfer



Please tick the correct answers:


What general statements can be made about the heat conduction of a body?

The addition and dissipation of heat of a heat-conducting body also always happens by heat conduction.


Heat equalisation within a body happens by heat conduction.

With steady heat conduction, the temperature profile can be used to gain lots of information about a body. Which statements are true?

In bodies with unvarying cross-sectional area, the temperature profile is linear in the steady state.


If heat is conducted from the inside of a cylinder outwards, the temperature drop in the steady state is linear because the heating surface load remains constant.


The temperature drop over the length is a measure of the thermal conduction coefficient. if two different substances meet, a bend can be noticed in the temperature profile through the substances.

Which statements about the image are correct?


Lambda 1 < Lambda 2 < Lambda 3

Lambda 2 > Lambda 3 < Lambda 1

Lambda 1 > Lambda 3 > Lambda 2

Lambda 2 > Lambda 1 > Lambda 3

Which statements about the image are correct?


If the schematic profile represents the steady state of a temperature profile, then besides temperature another quantity has to be changed over the represented length.

The schematic curve can represent the steady-state behaviour of a tube cooled on the inside (T2 < T1).